This Virtual Reality walk through was created as part of a final project for DES 527 Interactive Design 3 at San Francisco State University. In this design fiction scenario, there is new-found unlimited power in the world and most transactions, such as paying for the bus, are based on facial recognition scanning. Cities have become much more dense and rely heavily on self driven public transportation.
The process for designing this fictional environment began with understanding what an interesting design fiction scenario was composed of. As a class, we used a scenario generator pitch deck which gave us each three different cards that would dictate the aspects of our fictional design scene. The three aspects for this project were:
1. A new technological advancement in energy
2. Sudden change of population density
3. A large event requiring new forms of transportation
After these parameters were established, different ideas were brainstormed such as what type of energy advancement could be used and what advances in transportation would be necessary to deal with a suddenly much larger population. The walkthrough is meant to demonstrate what a new, conglomerate metropolitan living center could look like, with varying